Delegation Configuration Checklist

You can configure delegation options and settings in accordance with your company's delegation requirements.

The table below describes the options and settings available to you.

Screen/Field Setting Functionality
General Configuration/Restrict Delegation Selected Restrict functional role to delegate to only one other functional role.
General Configuration/Restrict Delegation Unselected Allow any functional role to delegate to any other functional role.
Security Role/Allow Delegation Selected Allow employees with this security role to delegate tasks to other employees.
Security Role/Allow Delegation Unselected Employees with this security role cannot delegate tasks to other employees.
Functional Role/Allow Delegation Selected Allows employees to delegate this functional role's tasks to other employees.
Functional Role/Allow Delegation Unselected Employees cannot delegate this functional role's tasks to other employees.
Functional Role/Functional Role drop-down Disabled Field will be disabled if Allow Delegation check box is not selected.
Functional Role/Functional Role drop-down No selection made This functional role can delegate to any employee that is set up as a "Supervisor" in the selected employee group.
Functional Role/Functional Role drop-down Selection made This functional role can delegate only to an employee in the employee group that belongs to this selected functional role and is set up as a "Supervisor."